Author: kristinjackvony

Why You Should Be Testing in Production

This is a true story; I’m keeping the details vague to protect those involved.  Once there was a software team that was implementing new functionality.  They tested the new functionality in their QA environment, and it worked just fine.  So they scheduled a deployment: first to the Staging environment, then to Production.  They didn’t have […]

What I Learned at POST/CON Part I: Examples and Mocking

I’ve just returned from POST/CON, the annual Postman users’ conference, and I am so excited about everything I learned there!  So excited, in fact, that I’m going to devote not one, but TWO blog posts to sharing my findings. If you aren’t already using Postman for your API testing, why on earth not?  It’s the […]

Let’s Go Deep! Part III: Internet Routing

In the last two posts, we’ve been going deep, learning about how information is transmitted over the Internet.  In Part I, we learned how data is divided into packets, sent to its destination and reassembled.  In Part II, we learned how data sent over the Internet can be encrypted and protected.  But how does data […]

Let’s Go Deep! Part I: How HTTP Requests Work

Recently, an astute reader of my blog pointed me to a great post about the importance of having technical skills as a software tester.  The author makes an excellent analogy: a software tester who doesn’t understand technical concepts is like a surgeon who doesn’t understand anatomy.  If we are going to test our applications thoroughly, […]