
Recently, I was talking with some technology leaders at my company about how we needed to encourage testers to do more exploratory testing. We were getting ready to hold our second annual Hackathon, and one of our group suggested “Why not have a competition for testing as well?” And thus, Testathon was born!

To prepare for Testathon, we invited people to sign up in teams of three to five people. Testathon was open to any participants, not just software testers. We had 48 participants sign up in ten teams; most of the participants were testers, but we had a few software engineers, managers, and product owners as well.

Once I knew how many teams we had, I chose ten products for the teams to test. I made sure that no person was testing their own product. I worked with the product teams to create documentation and user logins that the test teams could use during Testathon.

Testathon lasted two days; during those days the teams tested their assigned products in as many ways as they could think of. They logged the bugs they found in a special Jira board, and marked them with their team name.

Once Testathon was over, five judges- all Principal Software Test Engineers- divided up the bugs and worked for days to attempt to reproduce them. This showed the importance of being able to write up good repro steps in a bug; if a judge wasn’t able to reproduce the bug with the instruction steps provided, they moved the bug to Closed.

Bugs that were reproduced were assigned a severity and labeled by bug type, such as API, Performance, Security, Usability, and so on.

Next, each of the judges nominated which bugs they thought should win for each category. Our categories included: Most Unique Bug, Best Bug Report, Most Critical Bug, Best Security Bug, Best API Bug, Best Usability Bug, and Best Performance Bug.

The judges convened and voted on a winner for each category, and then announced the winners to the whole Engineering group. The winners received cash prizes.

We received lots of positive feedback from the Testathon participants. They really enjoyed working with testers from other teams, testing new products, and learning test strategies from each other. Moreover, some of the bugs logged were great finds! A serious security bug was identified and fixed in two days. Another tricky bug that a product team had known about, but couldn’t consistently reproduce, was finally given good repro steps so the team could fix the bug. Many API bugs were found where the response code was incorrect. And there were several small UI bugs found that when fixed will help improve the user experience.

After Testathon, all of the bugs were presented to the product teams for analysis. They sorted through the bugs for duplicates, and moved any new bugs to their Jira board.

Testathon was a great way for our company to learn the value of exploratory testing! We are already looking forward to our next Testathon. Perhaps you might find a Testathon valuable for your company!

What Does a Bug Count Mean?

As software companies grow, they often find it necessary to start measuring things. When a company has just a couple of dozen people, it’s pretty easy to see whether a software tester is performing well, or whether they are struggling. But when a company grows to several hundred or several thousand people, it becomes more difficult to keep track of how everyone is doing.

At this point, the management of the growing company will conclude that they need to look at metrics to gauge how a software team is performing. And often, it will be suggested that teams start counting their bugs. But what does a bug count mean? This post will discuss what a bug count will and will not tell you.

A Bug Count By Itself Tells You: Absolutely Nothing
Saying that a team found fifty bugs this month means nothing. It makes as much sense as trying to determine whether a book is good by counting how many pages it has. “Was it a good book?” “Well, I haven’t read it, but it has five hundred pages!!!”

Comparing Bug Counts Between Teams Tells You: Absolutely Nothing
The number of bugs a team finds is dependent on many things. Each product tested is different. One team’s product might be very simple or very mature, while another team’s product might be quite complex or brand new. Further, each team might have a different way of logging bugs. One team might have a practice of verbally reporting bugs to the developer if the developer is still working on the feature. Another team might have a practice of logging every single bug they find, down to a single misplaced pixel. Finally, one person’s single bug might be three bugs to someone else. Consider two teams who test their product on iOS and Android. One team might log a single bug for a flaw they’ve found on both operating systems, while another team might log two bugs for the flaw, one for each operating system.

Comparing Bug Counts by the Same Team, Over Time Tells You: Maybe Something
If you are tracking the number of bugs a team finds each month, and there is a big change, that might mean something. For example, an increase in the number of bugs found could mean:
* The testers are getting better at finding bugs
* The developers are creating more bugs
* There’s a new complicated feature that’s just been added
But it could also mean:
* There’s been a change in the procedures for logging bugs
* Last month, half the team went on vacation so there was less work done, and now everyone is back

Analyzing Who Found The Bug, the Customer or the Tester, Tells You: Likely Something
When bugs are logged, it’s important to know who found them and when. Obviously, the best case scenario is for the tester to find a bug in the test environment, long before the feature goes to production. The worst case scenario is for the customer to find a bug in production. So if you pay attention to what percentage of bugs logged are found by testers and what percentage are found by customers, this could tell you something, especially if you look at the metric over time.

If your team started to track this metric, and the first month you tracked it, 75% of the bugs were found by the testers and 25% of the bugs were found by the customers, you’d have a baseline to compare to. Then in the second month, if 85% of the bugs were found by the testers and 15% of the bugs were found by the customers, you could surmise that your team is getting better at finding the bugs before the customers find them.

Metrics are a double-edged sword: on the one hand, they can be used to illustrate a point such as how well a team is performing, whether more hiring is needed, or whether there’s a problem in your software release processes. But on the other hand, metrics can be weaponized, manipulated, and gamified. By considering all the possibilities of what the number of bugs could mean in a specific context, you’ll be more likely to find metrics that will be helpful and instructive.

SOLID Principles for Testers: The Dependency Inversion Principle

It’s time for the last SOLID principle! The Dependency Inversion Principle has two parts, and we’ll take a look at them one at a time. First, the principle states that “High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules, but should instead depend on abstractions.”

In order to understand this, we first need to know the difference between “high-level modules” and “low-level modules”. A low-level module is something that handles one specific task, such as making a request from a database or sending a file to a printer. For the first example in this post, we’ll use a class called “AddText” that will clear a text field and enter new text into it:

class AddText {
    clearAndEnterText(id: string, value: string) {

A high-level module is something that provides core functionality to an application or a test, such as generating a report or creating a new user. In this example, we’ll use a class called “UpdatePerson” that will update a value in a person record:

class UpdatePerson {
    private addText: AddText
    constructor(addText: AddText) {
        this.addText = addText
    update(updateId: string, updateValue: string) {
        this.addText.clearAndEnterText(updateId, updateValue)

The way we would update a record in this example is by first initializing an instance of the AddText class, then initializing an instance of the UpdatePerson class, and then calling the update function to make the update:

const addText = new AddText()
const updateUser = new UpdatePerson(addText)
updateUser.update('lastName', 'Smith')

But this example violates the Dependency Inversion Principle! The “UpdatePerson” class is very dependent on the “AddText” class. If the signature (parameters and return type) of the “clearAndEnterText” function changes in the “AddText” class, the “UpdatePerson” class will have to change as well.

So let’s update our code to comply with the principle. Instead of creating an “AddText” class, we’ll create an “AddText” interface:

interface AddText {
  clearAndEnterText(id: string, value, string): void

Then we’ll create a class called “PersonForm” that will implement the interface:

class PersonForm implements AddText {
    clearAndEnterText(id: string, value: string) {

And finally, we’ll update our UpdatePerson class so that it will use the PersonForm:

class UpdatePerson {
    private form: PersonForm
    constructor(form: PersonForm) {
        this.form = form
    update(updateId: string, updatevalue: string) {
        this.form.clearAndEnterText(updateId, updateValue)

Now we can update the person’s value by first creating an instance of the PersonForm class, and then creating and using the UpdatePerson class:

const userForm = new PersonForm()
const updateUser = newUpdatePerson(userForm)
updateUser.update('lastname', 'Smith')

Now both the PersonForm class and the UpdatePerson class depend on the interface instead of a low-level module. If the signature of the “clearAndEnterText” interface changes, we’ll need to update the PersonForm, but we won’t need to make changes to the UpdatePerson class.

The second part of the Dependency Inversion Principle states that “Abstractions should not depend on details; details should depend on abstractions”. An abstraction is an interface or abstract class that defines a set of behaviors without providing specific implementations. Both high-level and low-level modules should depend on abstractions, and if the details of their implementation change, they should not affect the abstraction.

In other words, the PersonForm class can make any changes to the “clearAndEnterText” function, and it will have no effect on the “AddText” interface. For example, we could change the PersonForm class to have a log statement, but that won’t have any impact on the “AddText” interface:

class PersonForm implements AddText {
    clearAndEnterText(id: string, value: string) {
        console.log('Element updated')

This concludes my five-post examination of SOLID principles! I’d like to extend a special thank you to my colleague Monica Standifer, who helped me better understand the principles. I definitely learned a lot in this process, and I hope that you have found these simple examples that use methods commonly found in software testing to be helpful!

SOLID Principles for Testers: The Interface Segregation Principle

We’re over halfway done learning about the SOLID principles! Today it’s time to learn about the “I”: the Interface Segregation Principle.

In order to understand this principle, we first need to understand what an interface is. An interface is a definition of a set of methods that can implemented in a class. Each class that implements the interface must use all of the methods included in the interface. Because the interface only defines the method signature (name, parameters, and return type), the methods can vary in each implementation.

The Interface Segregation Principle states that no class should be forced to depend on methods that it does not use. In order to understand this, let’s look at an example. Imagine you have a website to test that has two different forms: an Employee form and an Employer form. So you decide to create a Form interface that has methods for interacting with the various objects that can be found in a form:

interface Form {
    fillInTextField(id: String, value: String): void;
    selectRadioButton(id: String): void;
    checkCheckbox(id: String): void;

When you create an EmployeeForm class, you set it to implement the Form interface:

class EmployeeForm implements Form {
    fillInTextField(id: String, value: String): void {
    selectRadioButton(id: String): void {
    checkCheckbox(id: String): void {

This works great, because the Employee form has text fields, radio buttons, and checkboxes.

Next, you create an EmployerForm class, which also implements the Form interface. But this form only has text fields and no radio buttons or checkboxes. So you implement the interface like this:

class EmployerForm implements Form {
    fillInTextField(id: String, value: String): void {
    selectRadioButton(id: String): void {
      // no radio button
      throw new Error("No radio button exists");
    checkCheckbox(id: String): void {
      // no checkbox
      throw new Error("No checkbox exists");

You’ll never call the selectRadioButton and checkCheckbox methods in the EmployerForm class because there are no radio buttons or checkboxes in that form, but you need to create methods for them anyway because of the interface. This violates the Interface Segregation Principle.

So, how can you use interfaces with these forms without violating the principle? You can create separate interfaces for text fields, radio buttons, and checkboxes, like this:

interface TextField {
    fillInTextField(id: String, value: String): void;
interface RadioButton {
    selectRadioButton(id: String): void;
interface Checkbox {
    checkCheckbox(id: String): void;

Then when you create the EmployeeForm class you can implement the three interfaces like this:

class EmployeeForm implements TextField, RadioButton, Checkbox {
    fillInTextField(id: String, value: String): void {
    selectRadioButton(id: String): void {

    checkCheckbox(id: String): void {

Now when you create the EmployerForm class, you only need to implement the TextField interface:

  class EmployerForm implements TextField {
    fillInTextField(id: String, value: String): void {

When each class only needs to implement the methods they need, classes become easier to maintain. And having smaller interfaces means that they can be used in a greater variety of scenarios. This is the benefit of the Interface Segregation Principle.

SOLID Principles for Testers: The Liskov Substitution Principle

It’s time to learn about the “L” in SOLID!  The Liskov Substitution Principle is named for Barbara Liskov, a computer scientist who introduced the concept in 1987.  The principle states that you should be able to replace objects in a superclass with objects of a subclass with no alterations in the program. 

In order to understand this, let’s use an example that is very familiar with testers: waiting for an element.  Here’s a class called WaitForElement that has two methods, waitForElementToBeVisible and waitForElementToBeClickable:

class WaitForElement {
  constructor() {}
  async waitForElementToBeVisible(locator) {
    await driver
  async waitForElementToBeClickable(locator) {
    await driver

This class could be used to locate all kinds of elements.  Now imagine that the tester has created a class specifically for clicking on elements in dropdown lists, that extends the existing WaitForElement class:

class WaitForDropdownSelection extends WaitForElement {
  constructor() {
  async waitForElementToBeClickable(locator) {
    let selection = await driver

If we were going to use the WaitForElement class to select a city from a dropdown list of cities, it would look like this:

let waitForInstance = new WaitForElement()
  (By.id(‘New York’)).click()

But if we were going to use the WaitForDropdownSelection class to select a city instead, it would look like this:

let waitForDropdownInstance = new WaitForDropdownSelection()
  (By.id(‘New York’))

Do you see the difference?  When we use the waitForElementToBeClickable method in the WaitForDropdownSelection class, the method includes clicking on the element:


But when we use the waitForElementToBeClickable method in the WaitForElement class, the method does not include clicking.  This violates the Liskov Substitution Principle.

To fix the problem, we could update the waitForElementToBeClickable method in the WaitForDropdownSelection to not have the click() command, and then we could add a second method that would wait and click:

class WaitForDropdownSelection extends WaitForElement {
  constructor() {
  async waitForElementToBeClickable(locator) {
    await driver
      (driver.findElement(locator)), 10000)
  async waitForElementAndClick(locator) {
    let selection = await driver
      (driver.findElement(locator)), 10000)

We’ve now adjusted things so that the classes can be used interchangeably. 

With the WaitForElement class:

let waitForInstance = new WaitForElement()
  (By.id(‘New York’)).click()

With the WaitForDropdownSelection class:

let waitForDropdownInstance = new WaitForDropdownSelection()
  (By.id(‘New York’)).click()

Or we could use the new method in the WaitForDropdownSelection class instead:

let waitForDropdownInstance = new WaitForDropdownSelection()
  (By.id(‘New York’))

Using extended classes is a great way to avoid duplicating code while adding new functionality.  But make sure when you are extending a class that the methods are interchangeable. 

SOLID Principles for Testers: The Open-Closed Principle

This month we are continuing our investigation of SOLID principles with the “O” value: the Open-Closed principle. This principle states the following: a class should be open for extension, but closed for modification.

What does this mean? It means that once a class is used by other code, you shouldn’t change the class. If you do change the class, you risk breaking the code that depends on the class. Instead, you should extend the class to add functionality.

Let’s see what this looks like with an example. We’ll use a Login class again, because software testers encounter login pages so frequently. Imagine that there’s a company with a number of different teams that all need to write UI test automation for their features. One of their test engineers, Joe, creates a Login class that anyone can use. It takes a username and password as variables and uses them to complete the login:

class Login {
    constructor(username, password) {
        this.username = username
        this.password = password
    login() {

Everybody sees that this class is useful, so they call it for their own tests.

Now imagine that a new feature has been added to the site, where customers can opt to include a challenge question in their login process. Joe wants to add the capability to handle this new feature:

class Login {
    constructor(username, password, answer) {
        this.username = username
        this.password = password
    login() {
    loginWithChallenge() {

Notice that the Login class is now expecting a third parameter: an answer variable. If Joe makes this change, it will break everyone’s tests, because they aren’t currently including that variable when they create an instance of the Login class. Joe won’t be very popular with the other testers now!

Instead, Joe should create a new class called LoginWithChallenge that extends the Login class, leaving the Login class unchanged:

class LoginWithChallenge extends Login {
    constructor(username, password, answer) {
        this.username = username
        this.password = password
        this.answer = answer
    loginWithChallenge() {
        this.login(username, password)

Now the testers can continue to call the Login class without issues. And when they are ready to update their tests to use the new challenge question functionality, they can modify their tests to call the LoginWithChallenge class instead. The Login class was open to being extended but it was closed for modification.

SOLID Principles for Testers: The Single Responsibility Principle

Those who have been reading my blog for several years have probably figured out that when I want to learn something, I challenge myself to write a blog post about it. In 2020, I read one book on software testing each month and wrote a book review. In 2023, I learned about one Logical Fallacy each month, and wrote a post explaining it (which eventually turned into my book, Logical Fallacies for Testers).

For the next five months, I’ll be taking on a new challenge: learning about the SOLID principles of clean code. I’ve wanted to understand these for years, but I’ve always felt intimidated by the terminology (“Liskov Substitution” just sounds so complicated!). But I’m going to do my best to learn these principles, and explain them with examples that will be useful to software testers. So let’s begin with the Single Responsibility Principle, the “S” in SOLID.

The Single Responsibility Principle says that a class should have only one responsibility. Let’s take a look at this Login class:

class Login {
     constructor() {}
     login(username, password) {

     navigate(url) {

The Login class has two methods: login and navigate. For anyone writing test automation this appears to make sense, because login and navigation often happen at the beginning of a test. But logging in and navigating are actually two very different things.

Let’s imagine that multi-factor authentication is now an option for users of the application. The test automation engineer will now want to add a new login method that includes multi-factor auth. But what will the impact be on the navigation method? It could be that there is no impact at all, but if new package imports need to be added to the class, it’s possible that they could break the navigation method.

Any time a class changes, there’s a chance of breaking existing functionality. The test automation engineer will need to check every test that has navigation in addition to checking every test that has logging in.

This is why it’s best to give classes just one single responsibility. The navigation method should be moved to its own class. Then when new login methods are added, the navigation method will be completely unaffected. And it will also be possible to add new navigation methods to the navigation class without affecting the login methods!

Why I Hate Test Case Management Systems (and Why I’m Using One Anyway)

One of the first things I learned as a new software tester was how much I hated test case management systems. If you aren’t familiar with test case management systems, they are tools that allow testers to keep a collection of manual tests for reuse. In the days before test automation was popular, they were extremely common. In this post, I’ll discuss why I hate test case management systems so much, and then I’ll explain why I use one anyway, and how I don’t hate the one I’m using.

Part One: Why I Hate Test Case Management Systems

Reason One: They take too much time to set up

Test case management systems are often filled with required fields that the user must fill out in order to save the test case. These fields might not be at all relevant to the tester’s situation, but they must be filled out anyway. Many systems require you to put in one or more test steps, which adds to the setup time.

Reason Two: They require too much maintenance

In my first salaried testing job, the company had a few hundred test cases in their management system. Each of these cases had several steps. Often the steps were confusing or outdated. The QA team decided to update the test cases as they were running them. The updating often took longer than running the tests themselves, and it seemed as if the tests needed updating every time they were run.

Reason Three: They can stop people from doing exploratory testing

When a QA team is spending all of their time running and maintaining existing test cases, they may not have time to think about new ways to test the application. Taking the time to do exploratory testing is a great way to find new and important bugs, but if the team is so focused on following all of the test case steps exactly, they might not take that time.

Reason Four: They use energy that could be focused on automation

Similar to Reason Three, if the testers are spending all their time using the test case management system and keeping the test cases updated, they might not have time to do the deep work required to write and maintain automated tests. And as their product adds more features, the amount of time spent on manual testing will continue to grow.

Reason Five: They often include features that have little to do with quality

Test case management systems seem as if they are written by people who have never actually done any testing. They include features like how long it takes to run a manual test. While I can see that knowing the rough time it would take to run a full manual regression suite might be useful, knowing the time it takes to run a single test makes no sense whatsoever. If the tester uncovers a bug, or an anomaly worth investigating, the test will take longer to run. That’s a good thing, because it means the tester is using their brain and not just following a rote set of directions. Similarly, being able to attach bugs to the test cases doesn’t provide anything useful. What difference does it make if three bugs were attached to one test case? As long as those bugs are logged and fixed, it doesn’t really matter when they were found or who found them.

Part Two: Why I’m Using a Test Case Management System

My company recently started using a test case management system called Qase. I was initially planning to ignore it completely, but I was working on a project that was becoming increasingly complex, and my manager suggested that I give Qase a try. I was pleasantly surprised! As a result, I am now advocating that all software teams at my company use it. Here’s why:

Reason One: Qase is extremely easy to set up

Qase has no requirements for creating a test case other than that the test case has a title. I decided to make the title the only step in each test case. For example, if I wanted to create a test case to test that the user could log in with Single Sign-On (SSO), I created a case with a title of “User can log in with SSO”, and the test case was ready to go! Using this method, I was able to create 350 test cases in the Qase system in less than two hours.

Reason Two: Qase offers a lot of flexibility

Test cases in Qase can be organized in folders, and you have complete freedom to name and organize the folders however you want. You can have folders within folders within folders. This makes it really easy to organize your test cases in ways that make sense to you and your team.

Reason Three: Using Qase can actually save you time

With Qase, it’s incredibly easy to create and save test plans from your test cases. You just give your test plan a name, and choose all the test cases you’d like to be in the plan. Then when you need to run that plan, within seconds you can create and start the test run. This saves time compared to creating a new test plan from scratch each time you need to run a regression suite, or copying an Excel spreadsheet or Confluence chart and resetting it for a new test run.

Reason Four: Using a test case management system can help you remember to run tests that you might otherwise forget

We all have our blind spots. Mine is forgetting to test file names with spaces in them (see this blog post). Having a test case management system is a great way to make sure that you are covering tests that you usually forget to run.

Reason Five: A test case management system can provide a good organizational base for test automation

Readers of this post might make the argument that all manual testing should be exploratory in nature, and that every test that needs to be repeated should be automated. This is a valid point. In a perfect world, our regression test suites would be automated as soon as each feature has been tested, and we could rely on that automation for every release and every round of regression testing while using the time saved for deep exploratory testing. But of course we don’t live in a perfect world, and it often takes extra time to get tests automated. A test case management system can actually help organize automation efforts by clarifying which tests are most important and which tests should be organized together.

If after reading this post you decide that test case management systems are not for you, there’s still an important message here: it’s a good idea to try out new things, even when you are completely opposed to them. I still hate most test case management systems, but by trying Qase, I was able to expand my thinking and see their usefulness.

Managing Your Manager

I often talk with testers who are feeling frustration with their manager. Some of their complaints include:
• My manager doesn’t give me enough time to automate
• My manager expects me to test all the sprint items at the last minute
• My manager signs our team up for too much work
• My manager doesn’t appreciate how much work I do

Have you ever struggled with any of these issues? Then it’s time to learn how to manage your manager! Read on for six ideas on how to do this.

  1. Think about what your manager wants
    The best way to get someone to behave the way you want is to figure out what they want, and then show them how what you want and what they want align. What does your manager want? Your manager probably reports to a manager themselves, and your manager is probably accountable to their manager for things like releasing software on time and reducing the number of customer complaints that occur after a software release. You want good software to be released on time as well! So when you talk with your manager, point out the ways your ideas can achieve this.
  2. Explain how your strategy will help your manager
    Once you know what your manager wants, you can tailor your suggestions to show how your manager will be helped by them. For example, you could say: “I know that we’ve had some issues with defects escaping to Production that have resulted in customer complaints, and I know that your manager isn’t happy about that. I think if we schedule a one-hour Bug Bash before each release, we could catch most of those bugs.”
  3. Be a team player
    Are you a team player? Do you show up to work each day with a positive attitude? Do you help and encourage other people on your team? Do you go the extra mile without being asked to do so?
    The kind of attitude you bring to work has a huge effect on whether or not your manager respects and listens to you. Nobody likes working with a complainer. When you are pleasant to work with, your manager will be more likely to want to have conversations with you about how you can work together to improve your team’s processes.
  4. Approach your manager with data
    It’s always easier to convince someone of something if you have cold, hard facts backing up your assertions. If you feel that your workload has increased over the last six months, you can show your manager the average number of stories you tested six months to a year ago, and the average number of stories you tested in the latest six months. If you think your manager should give you more time to write test automation, you can use metrics to show how much time would be saved if you had an automated regression suite that could be run with each release.
  5. Enlist the help of other team members
    You are not the only person on your team! It’s likely that there are other testers or developers on your team that feel the same way you do. Why not talk to them about the situation? You could share your ideas and listen to their ideas as well. It could be that the Dev Lead on your team has a great idea for limiting the number of sprint items that the team is taking on. If you work together, you can make a convincing case to your manager.
  6. Suggest an experiment
    Sometimes you might have an idea that you are sure will improve things on your team, but the team doesn’t agree. They might be resistant to change, or they might think the change represents too much work. In cases like this, you can suggest an experiment: “Let’s try doing Dev-QA handoffs for two sprints. If it doesn’t save any time for us after those two sprints, we can stop the handoffs and go back to the way things were.” It’s been my experience that most of the times I suggested an experiment, the rest of the team realized I was right! But even if that doesn’t happen, you show your manager and the team that you are an innovator and someone willing to try new things.

Managers want what you want: a happy and successful team! By following these six suggestions, you’ll be able to work more effectively with your manager and team to build and deliver software your customers will love.

Nine Reasons Testing Becomes a Bottleneck

It’s a new year once again, and time to think about what improvements you and your team can make to increase the quality of your products! One complaint I often hear from testers is that they have become a bottleneck on their team. They feel constant pressure to get their testing done, and they feel that they don’t have time to do good exploratory testing or write quality automation.

In my experience, there are nine main reasons why testing becomes a bottleneck. Read on to see if any of them apply to your team!

Reason One: The team has too much tech debt
When a product has crushing tech debt, testing and fixing bugs both become more difficult. The software often requires careful configuration before running any tests, and any test automation will likely be flaky. When developers fix bugs, it’s likely that they’ll break something in the process, resulting in additional bugs that then need to be fixed and validated. The remedy for this is to prioritize fixing tech debt, which will pay off in faster development and testing processes.

Reason Two: The team is given work without adequate acceptance criteria
Have you ever been assigned to a project that doesn’t have clear user stories and acceptance criteria? It results in the whole team flying blind. No one knows when a last-minute request for a forgotten feature will come in. When you don’t know the scope of a project, you can’t correctly estimate how long the work will take. When the development work takes longer than expected, it’s often the testers who are expected to work miracles and test twice as many features as time allows. The best solution for this problem is for the team to refuse to take on any work that does not have clear user stories and acceptance criteria. If the Product Owner wants to add a last-minute feature, the project deadlines should be renegotiated to allow for extra time to do the development and testing.

Reason Three: The developers aren’t completely coding their stories
Developers can sometimes get so mired in solving coding problems that they forget to go back and check the acceptance criteria of a story to make sure they’ve met all the requirements. They pass the story off to the tester, who quickly discovers the missing requirements and sends the story back to the developer. This kind of story ping-pong can slow things down for everyone. The developer has probably started work on their next story, and now has to switch their context back to the first story. The tester will now have to find something else to work on while the story is completed, and will then have to switch contexts back to the story once it’s completely ready. If this is happening on your team, calling it out in a team retro meeting might be enough to get the team to understand the problem. They can then develop the habit of checking the acceptance criteria before handing off the story.

Reason Four: The developers aren’t scheduling a handoff meeting with the testers
In a handoff meeting, the developer who worked on a story meets with the tester who will be testing the story. They demonstrate the work they did, show how the work can be tested, and outline which adjoining areas should be regression tested. Then the tester can ask any questions they have about the feature and how to test it. When a team does not use handoff meetings, it’s more likely that the tester will discover that the feature hasn’t been deployed, or that they don’t understand how to test the feature. This results in more back-and-forth questions that slow down the testing process.

Reason Five: There are not enough unit tests
Unit tests, typically created by developers, are an awesome way to catch problems quickly. When the developer pushes their code to a branch, the branch is built and unit tests are run against it. Any functionality that the developer broke with their code is detected in a matter of seconds. They can then fix the problem before handing the feature off for testing. When there aren’t enough unit tests to catch problems, the problems will go directly to the tester, who will then have to report the bugs. The time spent reporting bugs is time that the tester could have been doing exploratory testing and finding more challenging bugs.

Reason Six: The team has not tied API automation to builds and deployments
Almost as useful as unit tests, API automated tests catch any changes in the code that may have introduced bugs into how the API behaves. For example, a code change might have inadvertently changed a response code from a 401 to a 403, which would then result in an error in the UI. If API automation is run with every build and every deployment, problems are detected before the feature goes to the tester, once again saving them time and energy.

Reason Seven: There is no good process for reusing regression test plans

Exploratory testing is a great way to find bugs, but when you have an existing product or feature, it’s important to have some record of what should be tested during a regression. Without a record, it’s easy to forget to test some less-used part of a feature. For example, when testing an e-commerce application, the tester could forget to test removing an item from a cart, and instead focus only on purchasing the cart items. Without a good system for creating and saving regression test plans, the plans will need to be recreated with every release. This takes up valuable time that could be used for testing. Having a set of regression test plans for reuse can save enough time that the tester can do exploratory testing before the release.

Reason Eight: Developers are not contributing to test automation
Yes, good software testers know how to write good test automation, but developers are great at writing code, and they are a valuable resource for writing clean code, creating reusable methods, and setting up mocks for testing. When a team has only one tester who is expected to do all the automation on their own, the process of automating the tests will be slow. It may be worth pointing out to your team that when there are good, reliable, automated tests, it saves time for everyone, not just the tester. Developers will get fast feedback, which prevents time-consuming context switching.

Reason Nine: The team is relying too much on UI automation
There is definitely a place for UI automation, because this is where the visibility and functionality of UI elements are tested. But most of the business logic of an application can be tested with unit and API tests. We all know that UI automation tends to be slow and flaky, even with well-written tests. With unit and API tests, teams can get accurate feedback more quickly. And these tests are easier to maintain because there is less flake.

Do any of these reasons apply to your team? Do most of them apply? In this New Year, I challenge you to pick one of these reasons and discuss it with your team. See whether you can come up with a plan to address it, and watch the testing bottleneck start to speed up!