Author: kristinjackvony

SOLID Principles for Testers: The Open-Closed Principle

This month we are continuing our investigation of SOLID principles with the “O” value: the Open-Closed principle. This principle states the following: a class should be open for extension, but closed for modification. What does this mean? It means that once a class is used by other code, you shouldn’t change the class. If you […]

SOLID Principles for Testers: The Single Responsibility Principle

Those who have been reading my blog for several years have probably figured out that when I want to learn something, I challenge myself to write a blog post about it. In 2020, I read one book on software testing each month and wrote a book review. In 2023, I learned about one Logical Fallacy […]

Why I Hate Test Case Management Systems (and Why I’m Using One Anyway)

One of the first things I learned as a new software tester was how much I hated test case management systems. If you aren’t familiar with test case management systems, they are tools that allow testers to keep a collection of manual tests for reuse. In the days before test automation was popular, they were […]

Logical Fallacies for Testers XII: The Slippery Slope Fallacy

As you know, this blog has focused for the entire year on logical fallacies. We’ve learned about all kinds of fallacies, from the Red Herring Fallacy to the Appeal to Ignorance Fallacy! It’s time now for the last blog post of the year: the Slippery Slope Fallacy. The Slippery Slope Fallacy occurs when someone assumes […]