“Clean Code”, by Robert C. Martin and guest contributors, is frequently mentioned as one of the top books that software developers should read. I had been wanting to read the book for years, but I knew that it would require a big time commitment. Since I had a goal of reading one tech book a […]
Author: kristinjackvony
How to Be Seen
One of the difficulties of being a software tester is that when you’re doing your job really well, it’s unnoticeable! Unlike software developers, who are creating a product that will then be seen by management, software testers create tests that will help validate that the product is working correctly. When we do a great job, […]
A (Very) Gentle Introduction to Regex
It’s been my experience that working with Regex makes everyone’s head hurt. No one wants to have to look at ^(19|20)\d\d[- /.](0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ and figure out what it means! But in spite of that, Regex is a very powerful tool, and it’s good to know how to use it, even if (like most people) you’re not an […]
Specialize, But Don’t Monopolize
The summer after I graduated from high school, I got a job at a discount department store. In my first week on the job, I was trained to use the layaway register. Then the employee who trained me left to work elsewhere. Consequently I was the only non-management employee who knew how to use the […]
Book Review: The Way of the Web Tester
As any regular reader of this blog will know, this year I’ve been reading and reviewing one testing-related book a month. Well, I’m cheating a bit this month! I’m currently reading a very long book that I knew would take me two months to read (Want to know what it is? Check back in with […]
Using DevTools Search to Locate WebElements
Recently, I took this great course on Locating Web Elements from Andrew Knight, through Test Automation University. In addition to learning helpful syntaxes for accessing elements, I also learned about yet another way we can use DevTools to help us! One of the most annoying things about UI test automation is trying to figure out […]
Adventures in Node: Default Parameters
As you have read in my previous posts, I’ve been taking this amazing course on Node.js. I have found that deeply learning a coding language has really helped me in my testing. In previous years I had learned just enough of a language to get by; now I see the value of really understanding a […]
Dealing With Change
Anyone who works in the Software Industry knows that at some point they will need to cope with change. Consider the move from desktop computers to laptops, or from BlackBerry devices to iPhones. We all want advancements in software, but sometimes that means that we will need to change what we do. Have any of […]
Book Review: Accelerate
As you know, I’ve been reading one technology book a month and reviewing it in this blog. For the month of September I read “Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations” by Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, and Gene Kim. You may have heard of this book, because […]
How to Use Breakpoints in Dev Tools- Part II
Last week, we started to take a look at the different kinds of breakpoints we can use in Dev Tools to debug JavaScript applications. We tried out some breakpoints- Line of Code, Conditional Line of Code, and DOM- using Dev Tools and a simple counter application. This week we’ll continue the adventure with three more […]