Author: kristinjackvony

Five Reasons You’re Not Ready For Continuous Deployment

Continuous Deployment (CD) is often seen as the “Holy Grail” of software development. A developer checks in code, and it is miraculously deployed and tested in the QA, Stage and Production environments, without needing any human intervention at all. This sounds great- and it is- but only if you are ready for it! Here are […]

Book Review: Clean Code

“Clean Code”, by Robert C. Martin and guest contributors, is frequently mentioned as one of the top books that software developers should read. I had been wanting to read the book for years, but I knew that it would require a big time commitment. Since I had a goal of reading one tech book a […]

How to Be Seen

One of the difficulties of being a software tester is that when you’re doing your job really well, it’s unnoticeable! Unlike software developers, who are creating a product that will then be seen by management, software testers create tests that will help validate that the product is working correctly. When we do a great job, […]