Author: kristinjackvony

Easy Free Automation Part I: Unit Tests

This post is the beginning of an eight-part series on easy, free ways to automate each area of the Automation Test Wheel.  It’s been my experience that there are a number of barriers to learning test automation.  First, the team you are on might not need certain types of automation.  For example, my team has […]

Automation Wheel Strategy: Moving from What to How to When to Where

Last week, we talked about how I would decide what to test in a simple application in terms of testing every segment of the Automation Test Wheel.  I find it’s very helpful to answer the question “What do I want to test?” before I think about how I’m going to test it.  This week we’ll […]

Six Steps to Writing an Effective Test Report

As testers, we know how important it is to test our software thoroughly and document our findings meticulously.  But all of our talent will be useless if we can’t effectively communicate our test results to others!  If your test results are written in a giant, poorly organized spreadsheet with tiny text and lots of unnecessary […]

How to Reproduce a Bug

Have you ever seen something wrong in your application, but you haven’t been able to reproduce it?  Has a customer ever reported a bug with a scenario that you just couldn’t recreate?  It is tempting to just forget about these bugs, but chances are if one person has seen the issue, other people will see […]