Author: kristinjackvony

Testing PUT Requests

In last week’s blog post, we discussed how to create and test POST requests.  This week, we will tackle testing PUT requests.  A PUT request is actually very similar to a POST request; the major difference is that POST requests are intended to create a new record, and PUT requests are intended to replace an […]

Introduction to REST Requests

More and more companies are moving toward a microservices model for their applications.  This means that different sections of their application can have a separate datastore and separate commands for interacting with that datastore.  The advantage to this is that it’s easier to deploy changes to a small component of the application rather than the […]

Testing Forms

Today is the day that we’ll be putting it all together!  In the past few posts, we’ve been looking at different types of text fields and buttons; now we’ll discuss testing a form as a whole. There are as many different ways to test forms as there are text field types!  And unfortunately, testing forms […]

Testing Buttons

Buttons tend to be something that it’s easy to forget about.  The “Save” button is so ubiquitous that it seems like it would just work.  But overlooking testing buttons on a page can also mean overlooking bugs.  Recently someone told me about new functionality she was testing on an existing web page.  The new feature […]