As you know, I’ve been reading one technology book a month and reviewing it in this blog. For the month of September I read “Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations” by Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, and Gene Kim. You may have heard of this book, because […]
Author: kristinjackvony
How to Use Breakpoints in Dev Tools- Part II
Last week, we started to take a look at the different kinds of breakpoints we can use in Dev Tools to debug JavaScript applications. We tried out some breakpoints- Line of Code, Conditional Line of Code, and DOM- using Dev Tools and a simple counter application. This week we’ll continue the adventure with three more […]
How to Use Breakpoints in Dev Tools- Part I
The modern software development team is beginning to blur the traditional lines between developer and tester. This means that developers are starting to get more involved with writing test automation at all levels of the pyramid, and it also means that testers are starting to get more involved with the inner workings of an application. […]
A Tale of Two Testers
Meet Derek and Emma. They are both Software Test Engineers. Derek works for a company called ContactCo, which is building a web application to allow users to add and manage their contacts. Emma works for a competitor of ContactCo, called ContactsRUs. ContactsRUs is building a similar application to the one ContactCo is buildling. Emma is […]
Adventures in Node: Shorthand and Destructuring
One of the things I struggled with when I started learning object-oriented programming (OOP) was the way objects were created and referenced. Things seemed so much simpler to me years ago when a computer program was in one file and you declared all your variables at the top! But the more I’ve worked with OOP, […]
Book Review: Explore It!
I’ve been recommending the book Explore It! by Elizabeth Hendrickson for years, because I had heard the author interviewed in a podcast, and because I was familiar with her Test Heuristics Cheat Sheet. This month, I decided it was about time that I actually read her book, and I am so glad I did! This […]
How to Be a QA Leader
The most frequent question I get from readers of my blog is one like this: “I’ve just been promoted to QA Lead. What do I need to do to be successful in this position?” Whether you have been made a lead or a manager, it can be a bit daunting to be leading a group, […]
Fix Your Automation Hourglass
You have no doubt heard about the Test Automation Pyramid, where the recommendation is that your code has many unit tests, a smaller number of integration tests, and an even smaller number of UI tests. You may have also heard of the anti-pattern called the Test Automation Ice Cream Cone: this is where the code […]
UI Unit Testing
Are you confused by this title? We generally think of unit testing as something that’s done deep in the code, and we think of UI testing as something that’s done with the browser once an application has been deployed. But recently I learned that there’s such a thing as UI unit testing, and I’m really […]
Why We’ll Always Need Software Testers
Are you familiar with the Modern Testing Principles, created by Alan Page and Brent Jensen? I first heard of the principles about a year ago, and I was really excited about the ideas they contained. But I was uncomfortable with Principle #7, which is “We expand testing abilities and knowhow across the team; understanding that […]