Just over a decade ago, the first iPhone was released. Now we live in an age where smartphones are ubiquitous. Our smartphones are like our Swiss Army knives- they are our maps, our address books, our calendars, our cameras, our music players, and of course our communication devices. Testing software would not be complete without […]
Author: kristinjackvony
Cross-Browser Testing
In today’s Agile world, with two-week sprints and frequent releases, it’s tough to keep on top of testing. We often have our hands full with testing the stories from the sprint, and we rely on automation for any regression testing. But there is a key component of testing that is often overlooked, and that is […]
A Gentle Introduction to Session Hijacking
We all know that Session Hijacking is bad, and that we should protect ourselves and our applications against it. But it’s difficult to get easy-to-understand information about what it is, and how to test for it. In this post, I’ll first describe the different types of session hijacking, and then I’ll provide a walkthrough on […]
Hidden in Plain Sight- Using Dev Tools to Find Security Flaws
A common misconception is that all security testing is complicated. While some testing certainly requires learning new skills and understanding things like networks, IP addresses, and domain names, other testing is extremely simple. Today we’re going to talk about three security flaws you can find in an application by simply using your browser’s developer tools. […]
How to Craft a Union SQL Injection Attack
Last week, we learned how to craft a basic SQL injection attack. This week, we’ll learn how to do something more elaborate. We are going to use a simple search request to get a database to show us all of the records in a table of users! It’s important to know how to craft attacks […]
Introduction to SQL Injection
SQL Injection is another type of security attack that can do serious damage to your application. It’s important to find SQL Injection vulnerabilities before a malicious user does. In SQL Injection, a malicious user sends in a SQL query through a form field which interacts with the database in an unexpected way. Here are four […]
Automated Testing For XSS
Last week, we talked about three different ways to test for Cross-Site scripting. We looked at examples of manual XSS testing, and talked about how to use the code to formulate XSS attacks. Today we will look at the third way to test, which is to use automation. For today’s testing, we’ll be using Burp […]
Three Ways to Test for Cross-Site Scripting
Last week, we explained what Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is and demonstrated a couple of examples. But knowing what it is isn’t enough- we need to able to verify that our application is not vulnerable to XSS attacks! Today we’ll discuss three different strategies to test for XSS. Strategy One: Manual Black-Box TestingThis is the strategy […]
What is Cross-Site Scripting, and Why Should You Care?
In discussions about security testing, you have probably heard about Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), but you may not have a good definition of what it is. Cross-Site Scripting is an attack in which a malicious user finds a way to execute a script on another user’s website. Today we’ll learn about two different kinds of XSS […]
Testing for IDOR Vulnerabilities
In this week’s post, we will learn how to test for IDOR. IDOR stands for Insecure Direct Object Reference, and it refers to a situation when a user can successfully request access to a webpage, a data object, or a file that they should not have access to. We’ll discuss four different ways this vulnerability […]