Easy Free Automation Part VII: Load Tests

Load testing is a key part of checking the health of your application.  Just because you get a timely response when you make an HTTP request in your test environment doesn’t mean that the application will respond appropriately when 100,000 users are making the same request in your production environment.  With load testing, you can simulate different scenarios as you make HTTP calls to determine how your application will behave under real-world conditions.

There are a wide variety of load testing tools available, but many of them require a subscription.  Both paid and free tools can often be confusing to use or difficult to set up.  For load testing that is free, easy to install, and fairly easy to set up, I recommend K6.

As with every installment of this “Easy Free Automation” series, I’ve created an automation script that you can download here.  In order to run the load test script, you’ll need to install K6, which is easy to do with these instructions.

Once you have installed K6 and downloaded your test script, open a command window and navigate to the location where you downloaded the script.  Then type k6 run loadTestScript.js.  The test should run and display a number of metrics as the result.

Let’s take a look at what this script is doing.  I’m making four different requests to the Swagger Pet Store.  (For more information about the Swagger Pet Store, take a look at this blog post and the posts that follow it.)  I’ve kept my requests very simple to make it easier to read the test script: I’m adding a pet with just a pet name, I’m retrieving the pet, I’m updating the pet by changing the name, and I’m deleting the pet.

import http from “k6/http”;
import { check, sleep } from “k6”;

In the first two lines of the script, I’m importing the modules needed for the script: the http module that allows me to make http requests, and the check and sleep modules that allow me to do assertions and put in a wait in between requests. 

export let options = {
  vus: 1,
  duration: “5s”

In this section, I’m setting the options for running my load tests.  The word “vus” stands for “virtual users”, and “duration” describes how long in seconds the test should run.

var id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000);
console.log(“ID used: “+id);

Here I’m coming up with a random id to use for the pet, which will get passed through one complete test iteration. 

var url = “http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/pet”;
var payload = JSON.stringify({ id: id, name: “Grumpy Cat” });
var params =  { headers: { “Content-Type”: “application/json” } }
let postRes = http.post(url, payload, params);

This is how the POST request is set up.  First I set the URL, then the payload, then the headers; then I do the POST request. 

check(postRes, {
    “post status is 200”: (r) => r.status == 200,
    “post transaction time is OK”: (r) => r.timings.duration < 200

Once the POST has executed, and the result has been assigned to the postRes variable, I check to make sure that the status returned was 200, and that the transaction time was less than 200 milliseconds.  Finally, I have the script sleep for one second. 

Now let’s take a look at the load test output:

INFO[0005] ID used: 1067

This is the id created for the test, which I set up to be logged in line 12 of the script.  At the beginning of each iteration of the script, a new id will be created and logged. 

✓ put status is 200
✓ put transaction time is OK
✓ delete status is 200
✓ delete transaction time is OK
✓ post status is 200
✓ post transaction time is OK
✓ get status is 200
✓ get transaction time is OK

Here are the results of my assertions.  All the POSTs, GETs, PUTs, and DELETEs were successful.

http_req_duration……….: avg=27.56ms min=23.16ms med=26.68ms max=34.69ms p(90)=31.66ms p(95)=33.18ms  

This section shows metrics about the duration of each request.  The average request duration was 27.56 milliseconds, and the maximum request time was 34.69 milliseconds.

iterations…………….. : 1       0.199987/s
vus…………………… : 1         min=1 max=1
vus_max……………….. : 1    min=1 max=1

This section shows how many complete iterations were run during the test, and what the frequency was; how many virtual users there were; and how many virtual users there were in maximum.

Obviously, this wasn’t much of a load test, because we only used one user and it only ran for five seconds!  Let’s make a change to the script and see how our results change.  First we’ll leave the number of virtual users at 1, but we’ll set the test to run for a full minute.  Change line 6 of the script to duration: “1m”, and run the test again with the k6 run loadTestScript.js command. 

http_req_duration……….: avg=26.13ms min=22.3ms  med=25.86ms max=37.45ms p(90)=27.57ms  p(95)=33.56ms

The results look very similar to our first test, which isn’t surprising, since we are still using just one virtual user. 

iterations……………..: 14      0.233333/s

Because we had a longer test time, we went through several more iterations, at the rate of .23 per second.

Now let’s see what happens when we use 10 virtual users.  Change line 5 of the test to: vus: 10, and run the test again.

✓ delete transaction time is OK
✓ post status is 200
✓ post transaction time is OK
✗ get status is 200
     ↳  83% — ✓ 117 / ✗ 23
✓ get transaction time is OK
✓ put status is 200
✓ put transaction time is OK
✗ delete status is 200
     ↳  77% — ✓ 108 / ✗ 31

We are now seeing the impact of adding load to the test; some of our GET requests and DELETE requests failed.

http_req_duration……….: avg=27.8ms  min=21.17ms med=26.67ms max=63.74ms p(90)=33.08ms p(95)=34.98ms

Note also that our maximum duration was much longer than our duration in the previous two test runs.

This is by no means a complete load test; it’s just an introduction to what can be done with the K6 tool.  It’s possible to set up the test to have realistic ramp-up and ramp-down times, where there’s less load at the beginning and end of the test and more load in the middle.  You can also create your own custom metrics to make it easier to analyze the results of each request type.  If you ever find yourself needing to some quick free load testing, K6 may be the tool for you.

Next week, I’ll close out the “Easy Free Automation” series with a look at accessibility tests!

Easy Free Automation Part VI: Security Tests

Often when people think of security testing, they think of complicated software scans, request intercepts, and IP address spoofing.  But some of the most crucial application security testing can be done simply through making API requests.  In this week’s post, I’m taking a look at examples of authentication testing, authorization testing, and field validation testing.

As I have in every post in this Easy Free Automation series, I’ve created an example that you can download here.  This is a simple json file that can be run with Newman.  As you recall from Easy Free Automation Part III: Services Tests, Newman is the command-line runner for Postman, my favorite API testing tool.  If you need to install Postman or Newman, take a look at that post.

For my test application, I’m using the awesome Restful-Booker API.  It’s worth noting that this API does come with some intentional bugs, two of which I’ll mention below.

The json file I’ve made available on Github is for the test collection.  I didn’t include an environment file this week, because I didn’t need to store any variables.  Once you have downloaded the json file, open a command window, change directories to get to the directory where the file is stored, and type newman run easyFreeSecurityTests.json. You should see sixteen tests run and pass.

Let’s take a look at the kinds of tests we’re running.  The tests will be easier to interpret if you upload them into Postman; take a look at this post if you need help doing that.

The first six tests in the collection are authentication tests.  I am verifying that I can’t log in with invalid credentials.  But I’m verifying six different invalid username and password combinations:

  • Create token with empty username
  • Create token with invalid username
  • Create token with empty password
  • Create token with invalid password
  • Create token with empty username and password
  • Create token with invalid username and password

This may seem like overkill, but I have actually encountered bugs where a user can log in if the password field is blank, and where a user can log in if both the username and password are incorrect. 

The assertion I am using for each of the six authentication tests is the following:
pm.test(“Bad credential message returned”, function () {
    pm.expect(pm.response.text()).to.include(“Bad credentials”);

Ordinarily I would assert that the response code I was getting was a 401, but since this request is (incorrectly) returning a 200, I’m instead verifying the text of the response: “Bad credentials”.  (For more information on HTTP error codes, see this post.)

The next six tests in my collection are authorization tests.  There are three actions in the Restful-Booker that require a valid token: Put, Patch, and Delete.  So for each of these requests, I’m testing that I cannot run the request with a missing token, and I cannot run the request with an invalid token:

  • Update booking with no token
  • Update booking with invalid token
  • Partial update booking with no token
  • Partial update booking with invalid token
  • Delete booking with no token
  • Delete booking with invalid token

For each of these requests, I am asserting that I receive a 403 status code as a response:
pm.test(“Status code is 403”, function () {
If a developer makes a change to the code and accidentally removes the token requirement for one of these operations, automated tests like these will discover the error right away, because the response code will change to a 200 or a 201.
Finally, I have four field validation tests.  I would like to have more tests here, but because some of the fields in this API aren’t validated, I’m sticking to the date fields.  In each of these tests, I am sending in an invalid date:
  • Create booking invalid checkin month
  • Create booking invalid checkin day
  • Create booking invalid checkout month
  • Create booking invalid checkout day

In each of these tests, I am validating that I receive an invalid date message:

pm.test(“Invalid date response”, function () {
     pm.response.to.have.body(“Invalid date”);
Field validation might not seem like a security concern, but it’s one of the easiest ways to hack an application, through entering in a script for XSS or a SQL command for SQL injection.  By verifying that the application’s input fields are only allowing in certain data types or formats and only allowing in a certain number of characters, we are going a long way towards protecting ourselves from these attacks.
Astute readers will have noticed that we could also have date field validation on the PUT requests that update a booking, and the PATCH requests that partially update a booking.  And of course, if the other fields such as First Name and Last Name had validation (as they should), we would want to test that validation as well.
Running simple repetitive tests like this is not particularly glamorous and will never make headlines.  But it’s simple tests like these that can catch a security problem way before it becomes an issue.  Just recently I was alerted that some tests I had set up to run nightly in a QA environment were failing.  Upon investigation, I discovered that my test user was now able to access information belonging to another user.  If I hadn’t had authorization tests in place, that security hole might have been missed and might have made it to production.  
Next week, we’ll move on to Easy Free Load Tests!

Easy Free Automation Part V: Visual Tests

Visual tests are more than just UI tests; they verify that what you are expecting to see in a browser window is actually rendered.  Traditional UI tests might verify that a page element exists or that it can be clicked on, but they don’t validate what the element looks like.  Fortunately, there are a variety of ways to do visual validation.  My favorite way is through Applitools, but since this series of posts is on “Easy Free Automation”, I needed to look elsewhere for visual validation this week.

I settled on a fun tool called BackstopJS.  It was pretty easy to set up, and while I haven’t yet discovered everything that it can do, I created a simple example with two tests that you can clone or download here.

Once you have cloned or downloaded these files, it’s time to install BackstopJS.  I’m assuming that you already have Node and npm installed; if you don’t, see last week’s post for instructions.  To install BackstopJS, simply open your command window and type npm install -g backstop.js.  

After the installation completes, navigate using the command line to the folder where you have downloaded the easyFreeVisualTests files, and type backstop test.  This will run the visual tests for the first time, and when the tests complete, a browser window will pop up with the test results.  You’ll notice that the tests all failed; this is expected, and we’ll fix this in a moment.  Before we do, take a look at the test results.  You should see four tests: two tests with screenshots of Google’s homepage, and two tests with screenshots of my picture (taken from my personal website).  The tests failed because at the moment, there is nothing to compare the screenshots to.  We can accept the screenshots and use them for future comparisons by typing backstop approve in the command line.  Now run backstop test again, and you will see the four tests run and pass.

Let’s take a look at the backstop.json file to see how these tests are configured.  Near the top of the file, we see the viewports section:

This section is showing what screen sizes we want to test with.  In this case, we are testing with a phone screen size and a laptop browser size.

A little farther down, we see the scenarios section.  The first scenario is for the Google Search Homepage:

We see the label of the test, along with the url.  Also of note is the “misMatchThreshold”.  Setting this to a higher number means that the test will allow for a higher percentage of pixel mismatches before failing the test.

The second scenario is for my personal webpage:

Note that this scenario is using the “selectors” section.  In this section, I’m specifying the specific element I want to look at: my picture.  When the test runs, rather than taking a screenshot of the entire page, it takes a screenshot of this single element and compares it to the baseline screenshot.  This is great for pages that have content that changes frequently; you can set your test to look only at the elements that stay the same.

If you want to add BackstopJS to your own Javascript project, it’s easy to do!  Simply navigate to your project folder in the command line and run backstop init. This will add a backstop.js file to your existing project, and you can configure it as needed.

It would certainly be possible to have both Backstop and other UI automated tests installed in the same project.  When your automation runs, you could run through all of your UI tests first, then run your Backstop tests to verify all your visual elements are appearing as expected.

Next week, we’ll move on to automated security tests!

Easy Free Automation Part IV: UI Tests

I’ll be honest: UI tests are my least favorite automated tests.  This is because they are often so hard to set up.  There are dozens of different ways to run automated UI tests, but this can make things more confusing because it’s hard for someone new to automation to figure out what to do.

So when I prepared to write this week’s post, my primary goal was to make it as easy as possible to get started with UI testing.  And of course, I also wanted the framework to be free, with no need to purchase a tool.

I’ve arrived at a way to get up and running with UI automation using Node and Selenium Webdriver in just six steps.  While I have only tested this process on two computers, I believe these steps will be effective for most people.  The one prerequisite is that you need to have Chrome installed, because that’s the browser that we will be using for the test.

Setting Up Automated UI Testing in Six Easy Steps:

1. Open up a command window and verify that you have Node.js installed by typing
node –version
If you get a version number in response, you have Node installed.  If it’s not installed, you can install it here: https://nodejs.org/en/.

2. If you needed to install Node in Step 1, add Node to your system’s PATH (see instructions for Windows here and instruction for Mac here).  After you’ve done this, reboot your computer so the new PATH will be recognized.  Check one more time that Node is installed by typing
node –version again.

3. When you install Node, the npm package manager should be installed automatically.  Verify that npm is installed by typing
npm –version
If you get a version number in response, npm has been installed.  If not, you can check this link for instructions about installing npm.

4. Open a browser and go to this GitHub repo.   If you have Git installed, you can clone the project.  If not, you can download a zipfile of the project and extract it.

5. In the command window, navigate to the folder where the project has been installed.  The project folder should contain a test.js file and a package.json file.  (See instructions here about navigating in the command line.)  Type this command:
npm install
This will install everything you need to run the automated test.

6. Type this command:
node test
This will run the test.js file, which has one test.  You should see an instance of Chrome browser open, run the test, and close again!

Let’s take a look at what the test.js file does:

var webdriver = require(‘selenium-webdriver’),
    By = webdriver.By,
    until = webdriver.until;
var chrome = require(‘selenium-webdriver/chrome’);
var path = require(‘chromedriver’).path;

var service = new chrome.ServiceBuilder(path).build();

var driver = new webdriver.Builder()

The purpose of all of this code is to require webdriver and chrome driver, setting up the Chrome driver, and to set up the “By” and “until” classes, which are helpful for automated UI testing.


This command tells the driver to navigate to the Google home page.


This command tells the driver to find the web element named “q”, which is the search box; type “webdriver” into the search box; and click the Return key.


This command looks through the search responses for the element that has “seleniumhq” in the link text, and once the element has been found, it clicks on it.


This is waiting for the Selenium Webdriver page to load by watching for the element with the id called ‘sidebar’.

driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {
    if(title === ‘Selenium WebDriver’) {
      console.log(‘Test passed’);
    } else {
      console.log(‘Test failed’);

Once the element has been located, then the driver looks at the title of the page and checks to see if it is what was expected.  If the title matches “Selenium Webdriver”, it logs to the console that the test passed, and if it does not match, it logs to the console that the test failed.  Finally, the driver closes the browser window.

Hopefully this post has helped you with the most difficult part of automated UI testing- the setup!  Once you are up and running, there are lots of great tutorials that describe how to locate and interact with browser elements using Webdriver.  You can find the documentation for the Webdriver By class here, and I have some old blog posts about element locators here, here, and here.   The posts were written for Java, but the same concepts apply when you are locating elements in Node.

The most important thing to remember about automated UI testing is that it should be done sparingly!  Whatever you can test with unit and services tests should be tested that way instead.  UI testing is best for validating that elements are on a web page, and for running through simple user workflows.  Next week, we’ll go on to an important addition to UI testing: visual testing.

UPDATE: If you are experiencing an issue where you get an “unhandled promise rejection”, try running this command:  npm install [email protected] and then try running the test again.

Easy Free Automation Part III: Services Tests

This week we are looking at my favorite type of automated tests: services tests.  The reason I love services tests is because they test so much of the application without the hassle of the UI.  There are many types of services, but the most widely used service is the REST API.  And my favorite way to test a REST API is with Postman

I’m not going to get into too many details about REST verbs or about Postman, because I have already done so in earlier blog posts.  If you’d like to catch up on what I’ve written, you can start with this post and work your way forward week by week.  You can also read this tutorial that I wrote for Simple Programmer.  
This post will focus on how you can automate Services Tests.  To demonstrate, I’ve created a collection of Postman tests that you can download from Github here.  The API I’m testing is called Restful-Booker: it’s a great easy API created by Mark Winteringham to help people learn how to test APIs.  
Once you have downloaded the two files from Github, you can upload them in Postman to see what they do.  To upload the collection, click on the Import button on the top left of the Postman window:
When the Import window pops up, click the Choose Files button and then navigate to the location of the file you downloaded called restfulbooker.collection.json.  Click on that file name, and the collection will be imported:  
Next, you’ll need to upload the environment file.  The environment file is what contains the variables that are used in the requests and assertions.  To upload the environment file, click on the gear icon in the top right of the Postman window:
When the environment window pops up, click on the Import button, then on the Choose Files button, then navigate to the location of the downloaded file called restfulbooker.env.json.  Click on that file name and the environment will be imported: 
Finally, in the dropdown menu in the top right, select the Restful Booker environment: 
You are now ready to run the requests from within Postman.  Keep in mind that the tests are not idempotent: some of the requests depend on previous requests for setting variables and creating bookings, so while you are exploring you should run the requests in order.
Let’s take a look at one of the requests and its assertions:
This is a GET request.  The URL of the request is https://restful-booker.herokuapp.com/booking/1.  The request is asking for the booking with the id of 1.  You can see two tests in the Tests section: the first test verifies that the response code of the request is 200, and the second test verifies that “firstname” is one of the fields in the response.  
Click the Send button to run the request, then scroll down to the bottom of the page:
Here you see the body of the response, which has returned a booking.  You can also see a tab called Test Results, which shows that 2 out of 2 tests pass.  If you click on this tab, you can see your results:
Now that you understand how the tests and assertions work, let’s run them from the command line!  In order to do this, you will need to have node.js installed.  Installing node will also install npm, which is the node package manager.  Then you can use npm to install Newman, the package that is used to run Postman tests.  To install Newman, simply open your command-line window and type: 
npm install -g newman

Once Newman is installed, navigate in the command-line window to the place where your restfulbooker.collection.json and restfulbooker.environment.json files are located.  Now you can run your tests with this command::

newman run restfulbooker.collection.json -e restfulbooker.environment.json

(This command should be in a line with no returns; it’s OK if it wraps around to a second line, though.)

The “-e” in this command stands for “environment”.  If all goes well, you should get a result that looks like this:  
You can also run your tests from other file locations.  To do this, simply specify the path to your files in your command.  For example, if my files were in a folder called NightlyTests, which was in my Documents folder, and if I were using a Windows computer, I would use this command:
newman run C:UsersKJackvonyDocumentsNightlyTestsrestfulbooker.collection.json -e C:UsersKJackvonyDocumentsNightlyTestsrestfulbooker.environment.json

Now that you know how to run your tests from the command line, you can set up your tests to run automatically with a cron job or in a CI/CD platform such as Jenkins.  Just be aware that whatever machine you run your tests on will need to have Newman installed.  

You can also have your test results write to a file with the -r command.  For example, you can have your results written in junit with this command:

newman run restfulbooker.collection.json -e restfulbooker.environment.json -r junit

When the tests are finished running, a Newman folder will be created with your test results inside.

I hope that this tutorial has given you some ideas about how you can automate your API testing!  Next week we’ll move on to UI tests with Selenium.  

Easy Free Automation Part II: Component Tests

Last week, I started an eight-part series to demonstrate in a free and very easy way how to write automation for each test type in the Automation Test Wheel.  This week, we’re taking a look at component tests.

As with every term in software testing, component tests mean different things to different people.  I like to define a component test as a test for a service that an application is dependent on.  For example, an application might need to make calls to a database, so I would have a component test that made a simple call to that database and verified that it received data in response.  Another example of a component would be an API that the application doesn’t own.  In this scenario, I would make a simple call to the API and verify that I got a 200-level response.

Coming up with a free and easy example of automated component tests was, unfortunately, not that easy!  But I have created a very simple Node.js application, which you can download from Github here.

In order to run this application and have my two tests pass, you’ll need to have Node, npm, and MongoDB installed, and you’ll need to create a very simple Mongo database with just one item in it.  I used most of the instructions in this really awesome tutorial by Chris Buecheler at CloseBrace.com to create this application.  You can use my application along with the instructions in Part 3 of the tutorial to make your Mongo database.  Or you can just clone my application and run it, with the understanding that one of the tests will fail. Or if this seems like too much work, you can just read on and look at my test code!

My extremely simple app is dependent on two things: my Mongo database, and an external API (the really great Restful-Booker API, which I’ll be using in next week’s blog).  For my component tests, I want to test those two dependencies: that I can make a request to the database and get a positive response, and that I can make a call to the Restful-Booker API and get a positive response. 

I am using Jest and Supertest for these tests.  I have limited experience with Jest, but from what I have seen so far, it is very easy to set up.  Supertest is a library that enhances Javascript testing by making it easier to call APIs. 

I’ve put my tests in a file called index.test.js, and this is what it looks like:

const request = require(‘supertest’);

describe(‘Database Connection Test’, () => {
  it(‘Returns a 200 with a call to the DB’, async () => {
    const res = await request(‘http://localhost:3000’)

describe(‘Restful-Booker Connection Test’, () => {
  it(‘Returns a 201 with a health check’, async () => {
    const res = await request(‘https://restful-  booker.herokuapp.com’)

The first line of my file is invoking Supertest, so I will be able to do HTTP requests.  Let’s take a look at each part of the first test so we can see what it’s doing:

describe(‘Database Connection Test’, () => {
  it(‘Returns a 200 with a call to the DB’, async () => {
    const res = await request(‘http://localhost:3000’)

The “describe” section comprises the entire test. 

describe(‘Database Connection Test’, () => {
  it(‘Returns a 200 with a call to the DB’, async () => {
    const res = await request(‘http://localhost:3000’)

‘Database Connection Test’ is the title of the test.

describe(‘Database Connection Test’, () => {
  it(‘Returns a 200 with a call to the DB’, async () => {
    const res = await request(‘http://localhost:3000’)

The “it” section is where the assertion is called.

describe(‘Database Connection Test’, () => {
  it(‘Returns a 200 with a call to the DB’, async () => {
    const res = await request(‘http://localhost:3000’)

‘Returns a 200 with a call to the DB’ is the title of the assertion.

describe(‘Database Connection Test’, () => {
  it(‘Returns a 200 with a call to the DB’, async () => {
    const res = await request(‘http://localhost:3000’)

Here is where we are making a GET request to ‘http://localhost:/3000/userlist’.

describe(‘Database Connection Test’, () => {
  it(‘Returns a 200 with a call to the DB’, async () => {
    const res = await request(‘http://localhost:3000’)

Here is where we are expecting that we will get a 200 response.

If you’d like to try to run the tests on your own, assuming you have cloned the application, you can do so with these commands:

cd easyFreeComponentTests (this will move you to the directory where you cloned the application)
npm install (this will install all the components you need to run the application)
npm start (this will start the application)

Then go to a new command-line window, cd to where the application is located, and run:

npm test (this will run the tests)

That was a lot of information for just two component tests!  But remember it will be easier to get started when there is already a project to test.  How many tests you have in this area will depend on how many external systems your application is dependent on.  It may be a good idea to create a “health check” that will run your component tests whenever your code is deployed.  That way you will be alerted if there is any error when calling your external systems. 

Next week, we’ll move on to my favorite test type: services tests!

Easy Free Automation Part I: Unit Tests

This post is the beginning of an eight-part series on easy, free ways to automate each area of the Automation Test Wheel.  It’s been my experience that there are a number of barriers to learning test automation.  First, the team you are on might not need certain types of automation.  For example, my team has been solely API-focused, so for the last two years I haven’t had much reason to do UI automation.  Second, your company may already have invested in specific automation tools, so when you want to learn to use a different tool, you need to do it on your own.  Third, there are many tools that have barriers to using them, such as a high cost or a complicated setup.  And finally, there is not always good documentation out there to help people get started.

In this series, I’m hoping to provide simple, free examples that will demonstrate each area of the Automation Test Wheel in practice, which you can use as a jumping-off point in your own automation journey.  We’ll begin with unit tests.

Unit tests are usually written by developers, but it’s a good idea for all software testers to understand what they are and how they work.  Unit tests test just one method or function, and they aim to exercise as many paths of that method or function as possible.  The major benefit of unit tests is that they provide extremely fast, accurate feedback.
I’m going to use Python and Pytest to demonstrate how unit tests work.  I am admittedly not an expert in either, but I managed to put together a little project with just one function.  If you would like to try the code out yourself, I have added it to GitHub here.  (If you have never cloned a Git repository before, you can find some instructions here.)
To run the tests, you will need to have Python installed.  There are some great directions for installing Python here.  Installing Python 3 will most likely install pip, the Python package installer, but if it doesn’t, you can get installation instructions here.  Finally, you’ll need to use pip to install Pytest; there are instructions for that here.  (If all this seems like too much work, you can just read on and look at the examples.)
In the file called _init_.py, I’ve written a simple function called isItADozen that determines whether a number of objects equals a dozen.  Here’s the code:
def isItADozen(input): 
if type(input) != int:
result = “This is not a number”
elif input == 12:
result = “Yup, it’s a dozen!”
elif input < 12 and input > 0:
result = “Nope, you have less than a dozen”
elif input > 12:
result = “You have more than a dozen here”
elif input <=0:
result = “You don’t have any at all!”
return result

The function takes the input and first checks to see if it’s an integer.  If not, it returns the message “This is not a number”.  Then it checks to see whether the number is 12, or is more than 12, or is between 0 and 12, or is less than 0.  Depending on which statement is true, it will return an appropriate message.  
Before we look at the unit tests, let’s think about how we would test this function manually, assuming it had a UI interface.  We’d check to make sure it recognized 12 as a dozen, we’d check to make sure it recognized when a number was more than or less than a dozen, and we’d also try some of the usual QA tricks, like passing in a negative number or “FOO”.  
That’s exactly what we’ll do with our unit tests!  Here is the code in my test.py file:
import unittest

from my_test import isItADozen

class TestDozen(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_a_dozen(self):
        result = isItADozen(12)
        self.assertEqual(result, “Yup, it’s a dozen!”)

    def test_more_than_a_dozen(self):
    result = isItADozen(15)
    self.assertEqual(result, “You have more than a dozen here”)

    def test_less_than_a_dozen(self):
    result = isItADozen(10)
    self.assertEqual(result, “Nope, you have less than a dozen”)

    def test_less_than_zero(self):
    result = isItADozen(-1)
    self.assertEqual(result, “You don’t have any at all!”)

    def test_not_a_number(self):
    result = isItADozen(“FOO”)
    self.assertEqual(result, “This is not a number”)

if __name__ == ‘__main__’:

I have five test cases here, aptly named:

In each test, I call the isItADozen function with the number I want to test with.  Then I assert that the result I got matches the result I was expecting.  

To run my tests, I simply go to the command line, navigate to the unitTestProject folder, and type:

python3 test.py –verbose

(If you don’t know how to use your command line, see my blog post from several years ago.)

You may not need to use the “3” in “python3”- I need to do this because I have Python 2.7.1 installed as well and I want to run on the newer version.  You don’t need to do the “–verbose” command; I like to do this because then it shows me the names of my tests as they pass instead of “…..”, which isn’t much fun.  
Once you have the tests running, try making one fail by changing one of the assert statements like this:
self.assertEqual(result, “This is not the real result message”)
Then see if you can change a test so that you are passing in a different value.  For example, you could pass the number 13 into the “test_more_than_a_dozen” test instead of 15.  
Once you have mastered that, you may want to copy my entire test folder and see if you can write your own simple function and unit tests.  If you are more familiar with another programming language, you can try writing unit tests in that language as well.  
Hopefully this has been an easy way to get you started with writing unit tests!  We’ll continue with the Easy Free Automation series next week.  

Automation Wheel Strategy: Moving from What to How to When to Where

Last week, we talked about how I would decide what to test in a simple application in terms of testing every segment of the Automation Test Wheel.  I find it’s very helpful to answer the question “What do I want to test?” before I think about how I’m going to test it.  This week we’ll look at how to take the “What” of automated testing and continue on with how I want to test, when I want to test it, and where (what environment) I’m going to test it in.  As a reminder, my hypothetical application is a simple web app called Contact List, which allows a user to add, edit, and delete their contacts.

How I’m Going to Test:

I’m going to run my unit and component tests directly in the code.  Unit tests are designed to specifically run in the code, because they are the smallest possible unit and test the code directly.  My component tests are very simple- just one call to the database and one call for authentication- so I will run those directly from my code as well.
For my services tests, I’m going to use Postman, which is my favorite API testing tool.  I’ll run the Postman tests using Newman, which is the command-line tool for Postman.  I’ll also include some security tests in Postman, validating that any requests without appropriate authentication return an appropriate error, and I will also do some performance checks here, verifying that the response times to my API requests are within acceptable levels.
For my UI tests, I’m going to use Selenium and Jasmine, because I like the assertion style that Jasmine uses.  I’ll be adding a few security tests here, making sure that pages do not load when the user doesn’t have access to them.  I’ll also be integrating my visual tests into my Selenium tests, using Applitools, and I’ll be using both Selenium and Applitools to run my accessibility tests. 
Finally, I would set up a performance testing tool such as Pingdom that would consistently monitor my web page loading times and alert me when load times have slowed.  
When I’m Going to Test:

Now that I’ve figured out how I’m going to test, it’s time to think about when I’m going to run my tests.  I’m going to organize my tests into four times.
With every build: every time new code is pushed, I’m going to run my unit tests, component tests, and Newman tests.  These tests will give me very fast feedback.  I’m not going to run any UI tests at this time, because I don’t want to slow my feedback down.
With every deploy: every time code is deployed to an environment, I’m going to run all my Newman tests, and a small subset of my Jasmine tests.  My Jasmine tests will include at least one visual check and one security check.  This will ensure that the API is running exactly as it should and that there are no glaring errors in the UI.
Daily: I’ll want to run all of my Newman tests and all of my Jasmine tests early in the morning, before I start my workday.  When I begin my workday I’ll have a clear indication of the health of my application.
Ongoing: As mentioned above, I’ll have Pingdom monitoring my page load times throughout the day to alert me of any performance problems.  I’ll also set up a job to run a small set of Newman tests periodically throughout the day to alert me of any server downtime.
Where I’m Going to Test:
Now that I’ve decided how and when to test, I need to think about where to test.  Let’s imagine that my application has four different environments: Dev, QA, Stage, and Prod.  My Dev environment is solely for developers.  My QA environment is where code will be deployed for manual and exploratory testing.  My Stage environment is where a release candidate will be prepared for Production.  Let’s look at what I will test in each environment.
Dev: My unit and component tests will run here whenever a build is run, as well as my Newman and Jasmine tests whenever a deploy is run.
QA: I’ll run my full daily Newman and Jasmine suites here, and I’ll run my full Newman suite and a smaller Jasmine suite with a deploy.
Stage: I’ll run the full sets of Newman and Jasmine tests when I deploy.  This is because the Stage environment is the last stop before Prod, and I’ll want to make sure we haven’t missed any bugs.  I’ll also run my Pingdom monitoring here, to catch any possible performance issues before we go to Prod.
Prod: I’ll run a small set of daily Newman and Jasmine tests here.  I’ll also point my Pingdom tests to this environment, and I’ll have those tests and a set of Newman tests running periodically throughout the day.
Putting it All Together:

When viewed in prose form, this all looks very complicated.  But we have actually managed to simplify things down to four major test modalities tested at four different times.  Are we covering all the areas of the Automation Test Wheel?  Let’s take a look:
Code Newman Jasmine Pingdom
Unit Services UI Performance
Component Security Security
Performance Visual
We are covering each different area with one or more testing modalities.  Now let’s visualize our complete test plan:
Hourly Daily Build Deploy
Dev Unit Newman
Component Jasmine
QA Newman Newman
Jasmine Jasmine
Stage Pingdom Newman
Prod Pingdom Newman Newman
Newman Jasmine Jasmine
Viewed in a grid like this, our plan looks quite simple!  By considering each question in turn:
  • What do we want to test?
  • How are we going to test it?
  • When will we run our tests?
  • Where will we run them?

We’ve been able to come up with a comprehensive plan that covers all areas of the testing wheel and tests our application thoroughly and efficiently.  

The Automation Test Wheel in Practice

Last week’s blog post, “Rethinking the Pyramid: The Automation Test Wheel“, sparked many interesting discussions on LinkedIn, Twitter, and in the comments section of this blog!  The general consensus was that the Test Pyramid is still useful because it reminds us that tests closest to the code are the fastest and most reliable to run, and that the Automation Test Wheel reminds us to make sure to include categories such as security, accessibility, and performance testing.  Also, a reader pointed us to Abstracta’s Software Testing Wheel, which looks at the definition of quality from a number of different perspectives.

This week I’m talking about how to put the Automation Test Wheel into practice.  Let’s imagine that I have a simple web app called Contact List.  It allows a user to log in, view a list of their contacts, and add new contacts.  I want to design a complete automation strategy for this application that will enable my team to deploy all the way up to production confidently.  In order to feel confident about the quality of my application, I’ll want to be sure to include tests from every segment of the Automation Test Wheel.

Unit Tests: I will make sure that every function of my code has at least one unit test.  I’ll run these tests using mock objects.  For example, I will create a list of mock contacts and a mock new contact, add the new contact, and verify that the new contact has been added to the list of mock contacts.  I’ll update a contact with new data and verify that the contact has been updated in the list.  I’ll create a mock contact with invalid data and verify that attempting to add the contact results in an appropriate error.  These are just some examples; for each function in my app, I’ll want to have several tests which exercise all possible code paths.

Component Tests:  My application is very simple and relies on just one database.  The database is used for both authentication and for retrieving the contact data.  I will include one test for each function; I’ll send an authentication request for a valid user and verify that the user is authenticated, and I’ll make one request to the database to retrieve a known contact, and verify that the contact is retrieved.

Services Tests: My application has an API which allows me to do CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on my contacts.  I have a GET endpoint which allows me to retrieve the list of contacts, and a GET endpoint which allows me retrieve one specific contact.  I have a POST endpoint which allows me to add a contact to the contact list.  I have a PUT endpoint which allows me to update the data for an existing contact, and I have a DELETE endpoint which allows me to delete an existing contact.  For each one of these endpoints, I will have a series of tests.  The tests will include both happy paths and error paths.  I’ll verify that in each request, the response code is correct and the response body is correct.  For example, with the GET endpoint where I retrieve one contact, I’ll verify that a GET on an existing contact returns a 200 response and the correct data for the contact.  I’ll also verify that a GET on a contact that doesn’t exist returns a 404 Not Found response.

User Interface (UI) Tests: This is where I will be testing in the browser, doing activities that a real user would do. A real user will want to fetch their list of contacts, add a new contact, update an existing contact, and delete a contact.  I will have one test for each of these activities, and each test will have a series of assertions.  To take one example, when I add a new contact, I will navigate to the new contact page, fill in all the form fields, and click the Save button.  Then I will navigate to the list page and verify that my new contact appears on the page.

Visual Tests: This is where I will verify that elements are actually appearing on the page the way I want them to.  I will navigate to the list page and verify that all of the columns are appearing on the page.  I will navigate to the add contact page and verify that all of the form fields and their labels are appearing appropriately on the page.  I will trigger all possible error messages (such as the one I would receive if I entered an invalid zip code), and verify that the error appears correctly on the screen.  And I will verify that all of the buttons needed to use the application are rendering correctly.

Security Tests: I will run security tests at both the Services layer and the UI layer.  I will test the API operations relating to authenticating a user, verifying that only a user with the correct credentials will be authenticated.  I will test every request endpoint to make sure that only those requests with a valid token are executing; requests without a valid token should return a 401.  For the UI layer, I will conduct a series of login tests that validate that only a user with correct credentials is logged in, and I will verify that I cannot navigate to the list page or the add contact page without being logged in.

Performance Tests: I will set benchmarks for both the server response time and the web page load time.  To measure the server response, I will add assertions to my existing Services tests that will verify that the response was returned within that benchmark.  To measure the web page load time, I will run a UI test that will load each page and assert that the page was loaded within the benchmark time.

Accessibility Tests:  I want to make sure that my application can be used by those with visual difficulties.  So I will run a set of UI and Visual tests on each page where I validate that I can zoom in and out on the text and that scroll bars appear and disappear depending on whether they are needed.  For example, if I zoom in on the contact list I will now need a vertical scrollbar, because some of the contacts will now be off the page.

With this series of automated tests, I will feel confident that I’ll be able to deploy changes to my application and discover any problems quickly.

I’ve received a few questions over the last week about what percentage of total tests each of spokes in the Automation Test Wheel should have.  The answer will always be “It depends”.  It will depend on these and many other considerations:

  • How many other services does your application depend on?  If it depends on many external services, you’ll need more Component tests.
  • How complicated is your UI?  If it has just a page or two, you’ll need fewer UI and Visual tests.  If it has several pages with many images, you’ll need more UI and Visual tests.
  • How complicated is your data structure?  If you are dealing with large data objects, you’ll need more Services tests to validate that CRUD operations are being handled correctly.
  • How secure does your application need to be?  An application that handles personal banking will need many more Security tests than an application that saves pictures of kittens.
  • How performant does your application need to be?  A solitaire game doesn’t need to be as reliable as a heart monitor.
The beauty of the Automation Test Wheel is that it can be tailored to all types of software applications!  By considering each spoke in the wheel, we’ll be sure that we are creating great automated test coverage.

Rethinking the Pyramid: The Automation Test Wheel

Anyone who has spent time working on test automation has likely heard of the Test Automation Pyramid.  The pyramid is typically made of three horizontal sections: UI Tests, API Tests, and Unit Tests.  The bottom section is the widest section, and is for the unit tests.  The idea is that there should be more unit tests run than any other kind of tests.  The middle section is for the API tests, and the idea is that fewer API tests should be run than unit tests.  Finally, the top section is for the UI tests, and the idea is that the least number of tests run should be UI tests, because they take the most time and are the most fragile.

In my opinion there are two things wrong with the pyramid: it leaves out many types of automated tests, and it assumes that the number of tests is the best indicator of appropriate test coverage.  I propose a new way of thinking about automated testing:  the Automation Test Wheel.

Each of these test types can be considered as spokes in a wheel; none is more important than another, and they are all necessary.  The size of each section of the wheel does not indicate the quantity of the tests to be automated; each test type should have the number of tests that are needed in order to verify quality in that area.  Let’s take a look at each test type.

Unit Tests:  A unit test is the smallest automated test possible.  It tests the behavior of just one function or method.  For example, if I had a method that tested whether a number was zero, I could write these unit tests:

  • A test that passes a zero to the method and validates that it is identified as a zero
  • A test that passes a one to the method and validates that it is identified as non-zero
  • A test that passes a string to the method and validates that the appropriate exception is thrown
Because unit tests are independent of all other services and because they run so quickly, they are a very effective way of testing code.  They are often written by the developer who wrote the method or function, but they can also be written by others.  Each method or function should have at least one unit test associated with it.
Component Tests: These tests check the various services that the code is dependent on.  For example, if we had code that called the GitHub API, we could write a component test that would make a call to the API and verify that the API was running.  Other examples of component tests are pinging a server or making a call to a database and verifying that a response was received.  There should be at least one component test for each service the code relies on.
Services Tests:  These are tests that check the web services that are used in our code.  In today’s applications, web services often use API requests.  For example, if we have an API with POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE requests, we will want to have automated tests that check each request type.  We will want to have both “happy path” tests that check that a valid request returns an appropriate response, and also negative tests that verify that an invalid request returns an appropriate error code.
User Interface (UI) Tests: UI tests verify that end-user activities work correctly.  These are the tests that will fill out text fields and click on buttons.  As a general rule, anything that can be tested with a unit, component, or service test should be tested by those methods instead.  UI tests should focus solely on the user interface.
Visual Tests: Visual tests verify that elements are actually appearing on the screen.  This is slightly different from UI tests, because the UI tests are focusing on the functionality of the user interface rather than the appearance.  Examples of visual tests would be: verifying that a button’s label is rendered correctly, and verifying that the correct product image is appearing on the screen.
Security Tests:  These are tests that verify that security rules are being respected.  These tests can overlap with services tests, but should still be considered separately.  For example, a security test could check to make sure that an authorization token cannot be generated with an invalid username and password combination.  Another security test would be to make a GET request with an authorization token for a user who should not have access to that resource, and verify that a 403 response is returned.
Performance Tests: Automated performance tests can verify that request response times happen within an appropriate time period.  For example, if your company has decided that GET requests should never take longer than two seconds, test requests can be set to return a failure state if the request takes longer than that time.  Web page load times can also be measured with performance tests.
Accessibility Tests:  Automated accessibility tests can check a variety of things.  When combined with UI tests, they can verify that images have text descriptions for the visually impaired.  Visual tests can be used to verify that the text on the screen is the correct size. 

You may have noticed that the above descriptions often overlap each other.  For example, security tests might be run through API testing, and visual tests might be run through UI testing.  What is important here is that each area is tested thoroughly, efficiently, and accurately.  If there is a spoke missing from the wheel, you will never be comfortable relying on your automation when you are doing continuous deployment. 

Next week, I’ll discuss how we can fit all these tests into a real-world application testing scenario!